When I first met my husband, his favorite ice cream was regular chocolate chip, which I thought was kind of booooring. I was always a mint chocolate chip girl, and one day he tried mine and realized he’d been an ice cream loser for all of his born days, and immediately converted. Which just goes to show that he was lost without me and it’s probably a good thing for him that we got married. He would have spent his entire life eating the wrong ice cream, and he wouldn’t get picked on on a blog that tens of people read, and plus, I’m fairly convinced that any other wife would just buy him a cake at the stupid supermarket. Supermarket cakes don’t have magic in them. Just lots of shortening. Fact. I’m not normally a homemade cake person. I’ve tried both homemade and mixes, and find a lot of homemade recipes to be dry, and fairly expensive to make. I’ve heard good things about the Hershey Perfectly Chocolate Cake though, and the recipe is simple enough, so ...